About PGS
Long-term corporate investment success and profitability are – to a large degree – determined by the external policy framework, sound corporate governance structures and sustainable business practices. At PGS Advisors International we address – at a strategy and operational level – these three factors, enabling companies and investors to maximize their value and succeed in challenging and changing environments.
Our Advantage
We are consolidated subject-matter experts in policy, governance and sustainability research, advisory and implementation. Our distinctive advantages include:
- Breadth of Expertise: Boutique advisory firm with expertise in policy, governance and sustainability issues, addressing three of the most critical framework components for long term business and investment success.
- Eminence: Complex and comprehensive approach for analyzing corporate governance practices, legal framework and comparative regional studies. Rating countries and companies on corporate governance, environment, social and governance (ESG) factors and financial standards.
- Customization: Tailored solutions to the specific needs of each client.
- Strong Network: Excellent local contacts around the world with relevant organizations and experts.
Selected Publications
- Andreas Grimminger, “Using Market Incentives to Move Beyond Law and Regulation in Emerging Markets – The Case for Corporate Governance Stock Exchange Indices”, in: Sabri Boubaker and Duc K. Nguyen (Eds.), Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibilty: Emerging Markets Focus, World Scientific Publishing 2014
- Andreas Grimminger & Pasquale di Benedetta, “How Stock Exchanges Can Advance Good Corporate Governance Practices,” Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, September 25, 2013
- Andreas Grimminger, “Corporate Governance in Latin America – A Guide for Investors,” BusinessNews Americas, August 2013
- Andreas Grimminger & Pasquale di Benedetta, “Ocho Indices de Buen Gobierno Corporativo en el Mundo,” Revista Capitales, Año 6 Número 61 Agosto 2013.
- Andreas Grimminger & Pasquale di Benedetta, “Raising the Bar on Corporate Governance – A Study of Eight Stock Exchange Indices around the World“, World Bank and International Finance Corporation 2013.
- Andreas Grimminger, “Board Processes in Latin America – Board Nomination/Selection and Handling of Conflicts of Interest”, OECD 2011.
- Andreas Grimminger et al. “Corporate Governance in Asia 2011– Progress and Challenges”, OECD 2011.
- Andreas Grimminger and Carolina Azar, “Achieving Effective Boards – A comparative study of the legal framework and board practices in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Panama and Peru”, OECD 2010.
- Andreas Grimminger, “The Legal, Regulatory and Institutional Framework for Enforcement Issues in Latin America: A comparison of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Panama and Peru”, OECD 2009.
- Katherine Dunn (cont.), “Race to the Top: Attracting and Enabling Global Sustainable Business – Business Survey Report”, World Bank, IFC 2003/
- Matías Larraín, “Notas al último intento de reforma al sistema de supervisión financiera”. In “Anuario de Derecho Público 2012”. Diego Portales University, Law School. 2012.
- Matías Larraín, “Reforma del Gobierno Corporativo de las empresas públicas: El caso de Codelco”. In “Transparencia en al Ámbito Público y Privado: Balance y desafíos pendientes”. Chile Transparente-Anual Report 2010.
- Matías Larraín, “Hacia una Reforma de la Institucionalidad Financiera en Chile”. Working Paper N°12, School of Government, Universidad del Desarrollo 2010.