About PGS

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About PGS

About PGS


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Long-term corporate investment success and profitability are – to a large degree – determined by the external policy framework, sound corporate governance structures and sustainable business practices. At PGS Advisors International we address – at a strategy and operational level – these three factors, enabling companies and investors to maximize their value and succeed in challenging and changing environments.

Our Advantage

We are consolidated subject-matter experts in policy, governance and sustainability research, advisory and implementation.  Our distinctive advantages include:

  • Breadth of Expertise:  Boutique advisory firm with expertise in policy, governance and sustainability issues, addressing three of the most critical framework components for long term business and investment success.
  • Eminence: Complex and comprehensive approach for analyzing corporate governance practices, legal framework and comparative regional studies. Rating countries and companies on corporate governance, environment, social and governance (ESG) factors and financial standards.
  • Customization: Tailored solutions to the specific needs of each client.
  • Strong Network: Excellent local contacts around the world with relevant organizations and experts.

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